Why we fundraise
The state of Texas takes nearly 70% of HPISD tax dollars and redistributes them to other school districts in accordance with the state's “recapture” or “Robin Hood” legislation. Because of this, without private fundraising we would have far less to spend per student than many neighboring districts, which would impact everything from our teacher pay and recruitment to programs offered. Fundraising organizations across HPISD fill an estimated $6 million annual budget gap so that our district can provide an outstanding education for our students and pay our teachers a competitive wage.
Where the money goes
The MIS/HPMS PTO Gift Committee meets twice a year to decide how to allocate fundraising dollars based on requests and suggestions collected from faculty, administration, and PTO members. The MIS and HPMS Gift Committee includes the MIS and HPMS PTO Presidents, Presidents-Elect, First Vice-Presidents, Second Vice-Presidents, Treasurers, Treasurer-Elects, Third VP of Finance, Cafeteria Chair and Chair-Elect, Raider Supply Shop Chair and Chair-Elect, and MIS & HPMS Principals.
See the most recent gift allocation.

The Raider Challenge is our annual general underwriting campaign and the ONLY PTO fundraiser for our school. All the money raised goes to MIS/HPMS and is critical to funding the upcoming year and preparing for the future. We have awesome opportunities for both families and corporate sponsorships. See our Raider Challenge pages for full details or email our Raider Challenge Chairs.
Family Bricks & Stones
Leave a lasting stamp on MIS/HPMS with an engraved brick or stepping stone. Proceeds are returned directly to MIS and HPMS to meet the needs of the students and faculty. (Note: A family brick is included as a benefit through the Raider Challenge at the $2,500 and above donation level.)
4x8 Engraved Brick
Bricks will be installed during the school year in the courtyard between the atrium and the cafeteria. Each brick may have three lines and as many as 16 characters per line, including spaces and punctuation.
One for $100
Two for $175
Three for $250
MIS/HPMS Flagstone Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones will be installed during the school year
Small – $500 (6"x6" flagstone; five lines with 12 characters including spaces and punctuation)
Medium – $750 (8"x8" flagstone; five lines with 12 characters including spaces and punctuation)
Large – $1,000 (12"x12" flagstone; five lines with 14 characters including spaces and punctuation)
Purchase during BSSU or email our Bricks Chair to learn more.
Faculty & Staff Cafeteria Fund
Honor teachers and staff members with a contribution to the MIS/HPMS Faculty and Staff Cafeteria Fund, which allows them to dine in the cafeteria for free. Any amount is appreciated, and the teachers love their free lunches! The money collected is divided equally among the teachers and staff of both MIS and HPMS twice a year: at the beginning of the school year from donations received in BSSU and in December as a holiday gift. An acknowledgment listing all donor families will be sent to the faculty and staff and printed in the Raider Weekly.
Contribute in BSSU or look for information in the Raider Weekly to contribute to the holiday gift.
​Questions? Contact the Faculty Cafeteria Fund Team
Other Ways to Support MIS and HPMS
Raider Rewards
Help support the MIS/HPMS PTO just by shopping with these Community Rewards Programs!
Email our Rewards Chair with questions.

Tom Thumb will donate 1% of all sales linked to our Good Neighbor Number.
To participate:
Set up a Tom Thumb for U account through the app or website.
Send an email to Tom Thumb Good Neighbor and ask them to link your account to our #7400. Be sure to include your phone number and Good Neighbor number in your email.
If you do not know your Tom Thumb Reward Card number, call the Tom Thumb Customer Care line at 1-877-723-3929, or ask for a new one at the Customer Service desk at your local Tom Thumb.
To learn more about the Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program, please click HERE.

Kroger makes a donation to MIS/HPMS PTO based on the shopping you do every day.
If you do not have a Kroger Plus card and would like to obtain one, they are available at the Customer Service desk at your local Kroger OR you may obtain a Digital Plus Card while enrolling in the Community Rewards Program (see instructions below).
To support the MIS/HPMS PTO:
Create your digital account at www.kroger.com.
Sign into your Digital Account; Select ‘My Account’.
Scroll down to the ‘Community Rewards’ section of your account page. Select ‘Enroll Now’ or ‘Edit’.
Enter the organization number of MIS/HPMS PTO: PD844.
Select “Highland Park MIS/HPMS PTO” and click on ‘Enroll’.
If you don't have a physical Kroger Plus card to use at the store, click on your Account Profile, scroll down to Alt ID, and enter your phone number so you can use it at checkout to look up your account.
Kroger requires shoppers to register for the Community Rewards program every year, beginning in August, so remember to register again next year!

You save 20%, Minted donates 15% back to the MIS/HPMS PTO!
Just use promo code FUNDRAISEHPMS when you shop for Holiday cards, Minted stationery, custom gifts, and more. Every order makes a difference!
Visit minted.com

Mad for Plaid is the Annual Campaign benefiting all of HPISD. Your Mad for Plaid donation impacts every student in HPISD through a large contribution to teacher salaries K-12. Mad for Plaid letters are mailed in October, and the campaign wraps up December 31st. Your generous support is very much appreciated. Make a difference in your child's education by donating to Mad for Plaid! For more information please go to www.madforplaid.org.
Benefiting every STUDENT, every TEACHER, every SCHOOL.